Any news on new patch?

they in my comment is purchaser/consumer. you switched the subject to WH/DS. be consistent.

buyers assume risk in their purchases. this is an old concept: caveat emptor. sometimes their purchase does not meet all their expectations ie, not ok. but, it satisfies in aggregate the demand of the purchaser ie, they tolerate it.

Aquinas is said to have indicated that if a vendor knew of a defect in the sold item, it was a sin and the sale was void. conversely, if the buyer realized he received more than paid for, he should recompense the vendor. (ever think of sending extra money to software studio for a game that you judge to be the dog’s bolllocks?) it’s a world view of trade during medieval times* that has some appeal but it’s not for the most part enforceable in today’s world.

*-can’t speak about Bohemia specifically but trade was not held in high esteem during medieval times

to me, that falls under the category of due diligence. i said ‘hmm’ meaning i have doubts. my dissatisfaction with the QA/QC is expressed on these forums

:nauseated_face: People still defending the indefensible.

Bottom line is they sold a broken product, they knew it. We still paid for it, and the circle goes on.

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@Hexxem are you incompetent or trolling? i questioned whether WH did its due diligence

Neither, just expressing an opinion. Which seems on these forums, at times, is not allowed. Any negative talk about WH or this game seems to get a number of white knights chiming in, either implying you’re lying about your issues or trolling. If you browse through the forums, you’ll see a number of negative WH threads locked.

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OMG Sterling-Archer give that guy some ice cause you burned the shit outta him .

ditch the passive aggressiveness. you can express your opinion but be rational and be prepared to defend it. by casting that generalization after an exchange with me you insinuate that i’m one of the people defending the indefensible. be direct and tell me how i’m defending the indefensible

you respond to me but dismiss my own criticisms (in these forums) to serve your own narrative about white knights/fanboys. i am not a they. i am frelmedieval. treat me with respect as an individual, not some contrived other in your head. add to the list of actionable goals/expectations.

cry not wayfarer , i liked your posts too.

forums get locked because insulting language like yours above

its all good man lol image


per Godwin: Matthew 7:12

I know, some of my comments may have gone too far and for that I apologize. But if you berate a dog long enough, it’s bound to bite back.

if that includes to me, accepted

you say that after having insulted me with your BS insinuations … not realizing that this forum might get locked because of bite back

Yes, and everyone else in this thread that read my offensive comments.

It’s a mouth brain thing with me. Mouth talks, brain catches up later. Especially when it’s something I’m passionate about.

I really want to like this game, but just can’t. lost 30hr save and 2 100+hr saves. It was annoying as hell.

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I like it… a whole lot. even if i can’t finish it because WH can’t :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: put Erik inside his camp where all the NPCs say he should be. i’ve had tremendous fun in harvesting over 800 (at last count) Cuman and bandits at the various spawn points on the map.

about 2 weeks after KCD was released, the save corruption was known here. to me, playing the approx month until patch was all on me. i had files that couldnt be loaded. i had fatal CE crashes. but that risk was on me till the patch 1.3 was released. still don’t trust WH completely (why should i when i don’t trust Bethesda; Bethesda’s mess ups have lasted longer but with far more more money and resources at their disposal). it is annoying as hell. sorry you lost so much time. and i hope WH takes it to heart. time will tell.

pff have u ever played eso during early access, and during launch. it was broken for months after. you can find this on google. wh studios dosent have half the staff Bethesda has. i dont know how much money wh has made, but i can guarantee its not even close in any way shape or form to what Bethesda has made .
“For an indication of Skyrim’s success, it is important to note that it has sold more than 20 million copies since it came out in 2011. This translates to more than $1.3 billion in sales revenues, which in turn, translates to more than $1.2 billion in profit for Bethesda once its development and marketing budget of $85 million has been factored in. As a result, it is no exaggeration to point out that this makes Skyrim one of the most successful games of all genres on all platforms of all time”
Bethesda has also been at it for years, while wh’s game has been out for a month. in in that month they have been hard at work. theres been a patch every week so far. and they huge day 1 patch that also shows how much work they still continued after they submitted it to the consoles. almost every single rpg i played was buggy as hell during launch. i understand the patch didnt fix things that people wanted fixed right now. but in time everything will be perfect. perfection takes time.

I preordered Skyrim PS3 and FO4 PS4. Didn’t have as bad a time with Skyrim as others here. As said elsewhere, FO4 had more fatal CE crashes and FPS issues. KCD more main quest bugs and texture lag

FO4 PS4 quick save corruption lasted more than 1 year. KCD knock on wood … 1 month.

Took over 2 years for Bethesda to make adjustment so the system didn’t crash, freeze or suffer <10 FPS whenever traveling thru Cambridge (mid game onward). WH has improved pop ins a little but still unresolved… TBD

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Well, I give up on you.
Warhorse can take you in the ass and still you would just sit there and think; maybe they would not do that to me next time.

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seeking your feedback on actionable goals and expectations but not your validation.

Everybody who’s paid and hasn’t returned KCD has taken it in the arse. The difference is you’re prolonging the experience by sticking around here. Nothing rational about that. Walk away. $60 isn’t worth the hate and an inability to control one’s mouth and emotions.

If WH doesn’t improve the game, I’ll walk away, no hate, no vitriol, no insulting language, no moral outrage. No DLC. No more WH purchases.
