Hostile Animals

Will various hostile animals be featured to fight against in this game?!

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There are several animals you can hunt.
And just one of them is hostile and will attack you. But don’t expect animal fighting simulator.


Which one is that?

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A wild fucking boar. A whole pack of them actually!


Are there wolves in game? I seem to remember them being bears as well, or were they cut?


Yes, they were planned. But unfortunately they had to go.
I don’t know the exact reasons though. But from my perspective, they might offer quite a lot of situations for exploiting and breaking the game. Maybe that was one of the reasons.

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I can imagine that its complicated to add combat with bear into essentially swordfighting simulator :slight_smile: And animations can also be enormous pain in the ass

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Why not? Bears can also adapt to HEMA and fight with you, it would probably look like Tekken, though.


What´s about dogs? Do they only alarm, or do they attack?
Horses? Do they kick you?.. Warhorses… :slight_smile:

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Yes, dogs are “just” a house alarm. But getting around them is not an easy task.
So even though they do not attack, they are pretty cool feature.

And as for horses, they do not actually kick, but can harm you and NPCs when they run into you/them.


Is it possible to kill a dog? Or a horse?

Also, adding new/more animals is a great idea for further expansions and/or game content. Aggresive ones, like wolves and bears, but also foxes, stags and badgers. Maybe even some birds, like pheasants, which were and still are favorite hunting object.

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Yeah you can kill a horse in the beta. Did it twice by accident. Never had my horse killed, but killed one at the cuman camp and another during an unfortunate misunderstanding at the Merhojed camp.


yes… in more ways than one :wink:

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Drop box/chest?

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You fool!
You really think I would tell you?!

Now suffer under the weight of ignorance!

(really, I don’t want to spoil the game too much)

A brown bear needs a hunting ground in the size of 25 km² to 100 km² in a aera with plenty of food. In a poor aera the hunting ground can expand to 1000 km². The game aera is 16 km² so one bear would be more than enough. Maybe thats the reason for no bears in the game.

I would also like to see more wild life. But it can be difficult, espacially bigger animals and carnivores need often a bigger territory than 16 km².
So maybe to set a timer with some variance for a in game circel such animals appear on the game map could do the trick? The river Sazava or other flowing waters could be a good visited places for the wild life especially in aeras with some cover.

It seems that pheasants as birds from Asia were breeded in Europe at this time and didn’t belong to the wild life of Europe (see pheasant houses).

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That could be a pretty good idea with the timer!

Hi Proky,
your answer was too easy to decode! :slight_smile:

You fool!

You really think I would tell you?!

Now suffer under the weight of ignorance!

Now match the answers to the questions:
Poison? YES
Drop box/chest?NO

Thansk a lot! :wink:


i’d heard about a killer rabbit in the game is this true?