there are awfull texture popups / popins all over the place which completely destroys the beauty of this game, graphics were fine with 1.02 patch but now with 103 patch it is a damn nightmare. The patch also destroyed the option to do lockpicking training on the chest at Rattay Mill after a couple timesit simply stays open and will not be locked anymore so no more training option. Also there is a graphics degrade that came with 1.03 patch. Isure hope these things get fixed really fast specially the popups / popins of textures which just make the game look terrible.
did u just sayin that the new patch will destroy the game?
If you enjoyed the beauty of the game yes, the popups of textures is just horrible now
im downloading this patch right now. Is there anyone else who did the same experience with that patch?
Is there a graphics degrade with 1.03 on PS4 pro? I need to know before downloading it
Yes there is a graphics downgrade but thag aint the worsed part, the popups / popins of textures is just bad and completely destroys the beauty of this game
Really hope these things will get fixed until then i better stop playing because the popups of textures is horrible its not the game i paid for. I paid for a beautifull looking game with awesome combat not a texture popup game. If it doesnt get fixed then i will probably return it since i have a 4 week return option with the store i bought it from which i would hate to do because im loving the game but the way it is now its just terrible to play. Was riding my horse and plop there is a tree plop there is a bench, plop finally there are the textures of buildings and trees plop finally we got rocks and so on its just destroying the entire immersion of the game
Confirmed. Regular PS4 is also experiencing same problems. Pop-ins everywhere.
Ps4 here and It is really bad. It’s that everyone was complaining about the low frame rate, so I’m guessing they had to sacrifice the graphics and quality of the game in order to have the game run at a better frame rate. I personally would prefer a better looking game with less pop ins and sacrifice fps. Sad thing is you most likely can’t have both and WH will push for better frame rate than improve the graphics.
Ps4 - definitely a graphics downgrade. Not just the lod, look at the trees for example or ground textures.
I hope it’s just a bug and developers will fix it.
I sure hope they fix it, or let them give us a ingame choice between better framerates or better visual graphics because i seen hundreds of people already complain about the same problem on twitter, youtube, reddit, facebook and numerous forums. I rather have a game that looks beautifull without the constant texture popins then better framerates. Game played great even in huge battles on PS4 pro before the 1.03 patch so i hope they revert this decision or as i said give us a choice in the game visual settings
Do the devs even answer on this forum, sure would be nice to atleast hear them about this and whats gonna be done about it.
I’ve noticed this myself after updating to 1.3 last night. Any official word on this?
I am really disappointed with the graphics on PS4 PRO. Details are really poor, trees,grass, buildings without textures etc. I hopped that the latest patch would have brought improvements. Another thing for example, why is it raining when it’s sunny day? I hope that they will fix the graphic soon because this is not playable at all
It rains on sunny days all the time --sun showers
I confirm blurry texture and heavy popin popout on ps4 pro 1.03. I ve also noticed that some “fixed” shadow (so, not real time calculated) now are much darker basically pitch black pools on the ground or black foliage. Will post image this late evening (i can play only by night)
Daniel Vávra asked me on twitter for some video clips of the texture popins so if anyone else also like to contribute, the more videos we get to give him the better it is
Wouldn’t they see it by just testing it on their end?
I gues they didnt
PS4Pro here - same issues. I’d rather roll back to 1.02 at this point honestly. Am willing to wait for fixes, but would rather be playing the game. Between this stuff and my personal issues with no-save-on-exit, and lock-picking - I’m out of the game for now