Patch 1.3 Released now!

i don’t fight them. they are on my side. have not seen a bandit or cuman yet but i will keep looking

Wondered if you saw them at battle spawn point

no, only camped horse which you can stampede. i wonder if cumans will ride that from camp to camp. maybe warhose needs to add that. the soldier in the above picture is titled “guard” when i approach. he was spotted riding up the road to executioner’s hill in rattay and then back down from the road that goes through the forest.

Really hope they work the mounted units asap. Having a game with Cuman without them, it’s like Brazilians without futebol or Americans without McDonalds

Any info when will be realse the 1.3 patch for

When it passes certification, it was released Friday so anytime about 5-14 days after that.


So if we have luck maybe this week?
Anyway thank you, Sir!

With luck maybe :wink:

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That’s good, cool! :slight_smile:

doesn’t PS4 have auto update? Xbox does but I kind of wanna look at turning it off, it seems patches seem to break more then they fix here in the beginning. I’ve noticed that the game performs much better in the first half, the further you progress the story line the more wonky things get lol. Also number of save, so delete old ones you dont need, and if you’ve been playing for a couple hours straight you should catch a save and shut everything off and restart it. I had a loading screen glitch and just shut down and restarted and the scene went through no problem .

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Ofc PS4 has got auto-updater too :slight_smile:

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Did they nerf bows?

If they havn’t they should…bow shouldnt do shit to plate. Good against cloth/soft leather, alright against hardened leather and chain, but plate? no dice

plus apparently they’re super OP, idk…I can’t get good with one lol

They need to make it where folks with full armor cannot sneak around lol

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I have a hard time sneaking in armor, or at least I can hear it…not sure if it actually makes sound the enemies can hear. But there are perks you can get to make your armor quieter and all sorts of perks that just really dont make sense. If you wanna sneak about you should probably be in black/brown hose, a for fitting shirt, maybe a hat, some gloves and some shoes…thats it.

I’m working on a stealthy character and I can get around pretty good in light clothes.

This is in a work shirt, brown tabard(I think), brown hose, either hunter boots/burgher boots or barefoot can’t remeber, and either no gloves or leather gloves

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I wear no armor, Just light dark clothing. My stealth is at 19, My Bow exp is at 17… And when I have to fight, I use a short sword because It allows me to dodge like crazy.

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im doing stealth, bow mostly for hunting(i doubt I’ll get good enough to try to snipe enemies but I’m gonna try) and woodcutters axe for close combat…it’s weak so it wont be OP later but it’s fast and it fits with my murderer/assassin thing I’m doing lol. If it becomes too hard to fight with an axe I’ll try a better axe or go to short swords like you said.

I never tried using an axe. Is it any good?