Patch 1.5 Feedback Thread

I understand this. My question was what was the ‘official’ way the developers supposed?

I agree tents and other fabrics should be simulated too (there are still clothes on ropes which are rock solid and not affected by wind)


Rain still pixelated on ps4pro, even if better then
before! ( first 30 hours of game Rain was perfect)

There’s still a bug with the quest, “The Prey.” Looting any meat from the hares hunted during this quest will add to one’s crime stats, even though some (but not all) of the meat displays a “Take” option instead of “Steal.” Meat acquired with “Take” will not show a stolen flag in inventory, but the “Steal” option does.

flags, banners, etc simulated in the wind. that’ll be a nice touch especially if posted around combat arena (tourney DLC)

re: tents… double checked the refugee tents outside Rattay walls. they might not have as much NPC occupancy/activity as i’d like, but they are simulated as is the cloth on the clothes line

agree. vanilla PS4. fyi from Jan/ WH QA below…


Still incredible fps drops in Rattay, in the range of 20-30 fps drops.

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r_NoHWGamma seems locked. No GAMMA slider on Video Options on PC now. Interiors still way too dark (like Dark Souls dark)

FPS stats around 70 with V_SYNC off - Turn all options to HIGH, FPS=70. Turn all options to LOW, FPS=70. Using GSYNC but gsync should not limit FPS as far as i know. I can get it higher by setting “Maximum Pre-Rendered Frames=4” in Nvidia Control Panel but I get weird purple flashes on screen.


Merci beaucoup! 감사합니다! Thank you very much for sharing your results. It’s greatly appreciated. Running a functional test that we can all perform is the only way for us to evaluate and compare cross platform graphics performance.

Very glad to hear 1.5 seems to be working better for you!

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For my PC, I feel things got worse.

I was happy to see that the tents are physically rendered, now! I was at the start of Cold Steel, Hot Blood in the campsite, and every single pavilion and tent was fluttering in the breeze. A wonderful sight. Now we just need flags and pennants…

The clothes on the line were still stiff, though. Perhaps too much lye, and not enough beating the water out with a rock?

While playing the Alpha / Beta i had a Phenom II X4 955 @4x 3,2GHz 8GB DDR3 Ram and a Radeon R9 380
There the CPU was definetly the bottleneck. had around 20fps the whole game long.

Later changed my system to an I5 4460 with 12GB RAM and a Radeon RX 480 - now running the final game on 50-60FPS with big battles and cutscenes at 25-30 fps. I would say that your system definetly should make it also to the 60fps.

I’m playing the game on 1600x900 resolution first had it on 1920x1080, where it was unplayable.

You should try one of these:

Given that preaching against indulgencies was one of Hus’ main points, I think it is quite clear also for the area in vicinity of Prague, i.e. Rattay-Sassau.

Yes. And Catholic churches all used to have toilets - they were abolished only much later. It is not historically accurate that the player can’t go take a dump in the church.

Well done, sir.

That’s an inference, not a fact. Doesn’t matter one way or the other

KCD has holy water fonts in game. And some NPCs do sign the cross. The only thing missing is combining the two in a basic, common religious ritual.

The objects and animations you cite appear missing. Feel free to request from WH whatever micturitory and defecatory animations and objects you hold to be representative of medieval religious practice in Bohemia

Not really as it’s the same time frame or greater used to critique the Cuman helmets in KCD. The anachronisms really aren’t that problematic because this is a game that from the first cutscene disregarded historical accuracy for the sake of artistic license/playability

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Yea, but Hillary…

We were discussing geneflection not helmets.

It doesn’t matter that obligatory genuflecting wasn’t yet in force any more than the Cuman helmets were no longer in use or that the setting of the game is off. The preoccupation with historical accuracy in this forum is selective and therefore somewhat disingenuous

Marigold decoction Hillary? Marigolds are said to be native to N and S America. De La Crus-Badiano Aztec Herbal (1552) is alleged to be the first recorded use of marigolds. Columbus was born in 1451. The game is set in 1403. Do the math. Oops a potential discrepancy with historical accuracy. Doesn’t matter. Shouldn’t matter.

So one of the leading thinkers of his time (also the Rectorof the Charles University) spent much of his time for, and was later murdered by the Catholic Church for, preaching against indulgencies, but you say that this is in no way means that indulgencies actually existed at the place and time?

Sure, sure.

Did you miss this?

This thing is being repeated ad nauseaum and I am still waiting for the source that proves it.

The best I’ve heard so far was related to some museum somewhere in Kiyv, about two weeks horse ride from Prague.

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Pretty simple. This game is a fabulous recreation of a medieval Bohemian world; it isn’t an accurate simulation of history. As it is an RPG, just being within the ballpark is good enough.

March? Nah, summer is ok. Indulgences? No direct proof but abundant circumstantial evidence. Cuman helmet? Maybe not but who knows for sure. Etc.

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The DLC will be released with Patch 1.6, so yes, there will be another DLC before that.

Different Marigold. The Marigold from the game is Calendula officinalis, native to southern europe, not America.


Thx for clarification. In the US, that’s generally called calendula, and marigold is Tagetes spp

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