Please give us the game option to save whenever we please, without savory schnapps

“For those that understand, there is no necessary explanation. For those that don’t understand, there is no possible explanation”.*

Ignorance is bliss! May you enjoy it always!

Sounds like some random religious chant to me.

Have a great life, you won’t be missed!

Mabe there will be a mod later that allows you to save anytime. So only who want this can use it.

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He already said, that he doesn’t want to use mods

he can always make those changes himself - 1-8 hours of copy/paste… easy.

I mean … I can see where our outrageously fabulous green robert is coming from - possibilities to save are everywhere, so why not just allow for more accessible solution and freedom.

But I have to be honest… this kind of behaviour is irking me deeply. To me it just looks and sounds like an entitled brat didnt get his way and is crying, until enough grown-ups give him the attention and the result he wants. But i can delude myself into believing that it is likely not meant this way. (But if it looks like a duck …)

The sensible way to see this is obvious:
Sometimes the inclusion or exclusion of a feature is deliberate.
Scarcity has power. Be it in marketing, gaming or somewhere else… it works.
And… you have to right to get what you have ordered, but not to be satisfied with it.

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That is all that I’m asking for (a patch, actually). There are already mods, unstable ones ATM. In the meantime, I’ll just wait and hope for the best.

Sure, I’ll use a mod, but only if someone is willing to come to my house, install it for me, so I can watch and learn how to do it correctly and guarantee me that the mod won’t corrupt my game files and mess up my PC. Any takers? Lunch/Dinner is on me too!

no words, just :rofl:

Nice whiny rant from someone who gave no solutions, but posted a comment about a 1 to 8 hour copy and paste fix, without including any details, which is what I’m asking and looking for. Go away troll!

And by the way, I’m 60 years old and was gaming, while you were still in diapers. Take your selfish, entitled and holier than thou attitude and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Have a great life grasshopper!

Now here’s another thread for all of you trolls to go troll and whine about. Have fun pissing on other people’s threads, since it’s what you enjoy doing in life.

I’m also a completionist type that will explore everything, just bring saviour schnapps, stop by towns for sleep as judging by you wanting to use saviour schnapps you most likely don’t have cockerel with you either.
If you truly are a person that wants to 100% you’ll be a high level at herbalism and alchemy which would make creating tons of saviour schnapps to run around with no problem at all.
Your argument is that of a noob unwilling to brew some potions, hell you can even autobrew. Why should developers let people save scum when there’s so many saving options available?

Ommimaniac, You like so many others, did not take the time to read the post correctly. I suggest you read, before you type, speak and make yourself sound foolish. You not only sound like a noob, but act as one too. Reading comprehension is essential! Have a great life noob!

Here’s another thread for all you trolls, noobs, trouble makers and know-it-alls to go piss on. Now piss off and get off my lawn!

I think this thread is pretty much done. Topic starter just ingnores any responders anyway (wich is funny in a way).

No, just like a challenge. Some people have finished KCD without killing (exception Runt). That seems a greater challenge than playing without dying. Unless you rush into 2-4 vs 1 battles, dying isn’t easy.

Didn’t insult you, didn’t belittle your desire to have unlimited saves,… and that’s you reaction.

Wow!.. People I blocked and are now on my ignore list are still responding. It seems that the fix that I’m looking for doesn’t exist and that I’ll have to wait another year or so, whenever this game’s final patch has been released and then have my computer specialist install an updated and stable mod for me, or conduct a manual fix once it’s safe to do so, without corrupting data. Thanks to the few that tried to help!

Now, SERIOUSLY, why don’t you use the “Unlimited Saving” mod from Nexus, which is TOTALLY HARMLESS ?
It works PERFECTLY. Just hit ESC, choose SAVE, well… and save !!!

I used it since the game came out. I played all the game (version 1.22 - before the DLCs) WITHOUT ANY BUGS.
(So many people had troubles with version 1.3 or 1.4, but I didn’t upgrade.)

Now, I finished the last DLC and my savegame counter is at 1500 or so. So you see how many times I saved.

I can’t understand why you won’t make your life easy with this mod. (a 7K file that needs to be put in the DATA folder, and since a few versions now, you also must add a line to the PAK.CFG text file)

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Atlan67, Thanks, but I’ll just wait. There are people saying that the latest version 1.9.1 is making some of their mods not work, even the unlimited saves one. As far as me installing it myself goes, I don’t know how and that last bit of info you provided me with, is beyond my computer literacy. Next time I get my computer upgraded, I’ll just ask my computer specialist to do it for me. I’m just a guy that is risk averse and likes things to work smoothly and efficiently, without any frustrating hard work on my part. That’s why I pay for a product and expect it to work and games are no different. Thanks again, but I prefer to wait, unless Warhorse plans on adding an optional unlimited saves option before then. Take care!

I hate to say this, but your request for save scum is in direct contradiction with your statement about hard core and great DOS days.

In the good old days, games were unforgiving. You messed up. you started over again.
Forced you to think and learn.

Your claim is fake and silly. You use it as a badge of honour while at the same time behave like spoonfed sheep.

Ayath The Loafer
(35 years of proud gamer.)