Hey fellows,
I was just looking for some gameplay scenes to discover things I haven’t seen yet so as awesome screenshots/wallpaper.
There is already a beautiful gallery of 4k-screenshots out there but where is the topic for amazing videos of the community? Maybe it would be a nice thing to gather pictures and videos in one topic!
Here’s the 4K-Screenshot-topic:
And a tutorial on how to take proper screens with the console:
So let me be the first (obviously) to post some videos here
I did not recorded any commentary on purpose because I think it destroys the atmosphere.
Also I get really quick annoyed when everybody puts in his/her two cents when I’m trying to make my own impressions.
The first impression counts like all of you probably know…
Here’s 45 minutes(!) of gameplay in Full HD to honor the beauty of this game:
And here’s a way on how to get the bow easily and fast:
Now it’s your part, show off what you’ve got
