Does anyone knows when we will get the update? Its about a week delay and so far, nothing to us. Any tweet (since they cant came here and say it officialy) or anything?
Short answer: no one knows.
Longer answer: Additional certification process required by Sony and Microsoft delays every patch released by a week or two. Blame them, not Warhorse.
Unasked-for answer: With the number of reported bugs and crashes due to the 1.4 patch (and 1.4.1 hotfix), you probably shouldn’t be too eager to have it break your game.
Unasked-for answer: With the number of reported bugs and crashes due to the 1.4 patch (and 1.4.1 hotfix), you probably shouldn’t be too eager to have it break your game.
My guess is they would first want to find a fix for these and include it in the next update for consoles.
Right you are, we have an update from Vavra:
Well thanks. I’m growing tired of Far Cry 5 and MH:W.
How can you not blame them lol if the patches are getting delayed they are obviously not up to standards and are being rushed out… unless it is sony’s and MS’s secret plan to delay this game to fix itself
The game is good to play as IT is! Patch are welcome, unleast they corrupt save, but i don t find a reason to stop playing on console version
I wasn’t talking about if the patches got delayed or failed the certification process…I was saying that, as a rule, patches hit consoles later than PC because they have to go through an additional process. Something that many posters on the forum seem not to understand…
And i dont think you understand that they are making these patches that fix one problem to create more, only to have us wait a ridiculous amount of time for broken patches. If you look at how the pc patches are going the game is getting worse after each of them I’d rather wait longer for a bug free patch than one that is rushed resulting in the game getting worse. Surely they test the game extensively before sending patches out for ‘certification’. Yet they are trying to add content instead of fixing the content they have.
Oh no, I get it, and I’m just as frustrated as anyone. It’s why I’ve had Steam in offline mode for the past 3 weeks…why I’ve rolled back my graphics card drivers to an older state…why I haven’t installed a dozen different mods that I’ve been tracking.
And the results of the last three updates (and their subsequent hotfixes) are why it doesn’t surprise me in the least that they’re taking their time on 1.4.2…they can’t afford to have it go wrong again, or they are truly going to lose the last shred of credibility in the community.
This morning, an official 1.4.2 build was uploaded to the backend. It is not yet available to download, but it would seem that they are getting it packaged and prepped for release.
Just got an update from a Dev over on Reddit.
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for all your patience. Below are the latest patch notes for Steam. Stay medieval!
Patch 1.4.2 - April 9th
Fixed issues:
• A major bug that crashed the game at various places has been fixed.
• Quests notably affected by this bug include Sport of kings, Pestilence, Questions and Answers.
• Fixed issue with missing Erik in the quest called The Die is Cast.
• Other minor bugfixes.
Known issues:
• [Rare] You can lock on a non-existing opponent.
• [Rare] Attacking stops working.
• [Rare] Random character spins while blocking.
• Player with an equipped bow cannot be dismounted.
The 1.4 patch for consoles is still on its way! We wanted the patch to come to console players last week, so we are hoping for the release for the patch to come this week.
Response as to when consoles will see the new update.
Apparently they are releasing patches faster than the certification process can approve them, and every time they submit a new one, it resets the time for certification. So they are rolling 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2 AND 1.4.3 (which they already are working on) into one big update for consoles.
This is getting annoying though. pc get multiple updates while its resetting the certification for console users everytime. I dont care about getting a damn haircut I just want master strike fixed…
1.4 WAS BROKEN. Did you want a broken update??
So, they released 1.4.1, which fixed some things and broke others. Did you want this broken update???
Next comes 1.4.2, which according to some has actually fixed some things, but they already know of some issues in it. So they are releasing 1.4.3 this week. You are getting allllll of that in the console update next week.
Chill. Be happy that consoles did not get the update that crashed the game and broke the main quest. PC got multiple broken updates. We played meat shield, found the bugs, and as a result you’re getting a working update. You’re welcome.
pc has been in a different state to console. i preferred the game on ps4 release bar the odd crash. Start game and lockpicking were more challenging but people whined and got things dumbed down and after the first patch they broke the torch binding and next patch they broke master strikes. I have every right to be frustrated so maybe get lost with your passive aggressive bs i like to be more direct then that crap so what do i have to be grateful to you for LOL you did absolutely nothing to help the situation apart from continuing to download broken patches
If these patches were actually tested properly before being sent there wouldn’t have been any of this mess. there is no one to blame here but the developers! And instead of trying to add content maybe fix the crap you already have first before introducing more potential bugs lmfao!
PC has been the forerunner for the console state, dumbass (that direct enough for you?). If you like, consider PC users the worlds largest beta testing team. We ran into, and reported, all new bugs and crashes for each update. Which is why your console isn’t currently running a completely borked 1.4 state. So, again, you’re welcome, you short-sighted walnut.
Guess what, you got your wish.
Seasonal content is best when it’s weeks late
The issue isn’t the lag per se… it’s that WH changes the story but then communicates relative to PCs. Direct communication isn’t hard and it’s generally appreciated (eg console users: last xxxday, we evaluated the 1.4.1-3 patches and determined it would be best if WH grouped them together as patch 1.4 for XB and PS4. this will result in a minor delay but you should expect better performance this way. thx for your patience)
Our console isn’t working on 1.4 purely because they release patches quicker then it gets certified, which by the way have been broken every time, so it resets the certification period again (they haven’t delayed anything for console users sony did that, your welcome sony) , your completely wrong quoting me on this for this arguement. IF THEY TOOK THEIR TIME WITH THE FIRST PATCH INSTEAD OF RUSHING BS OUT NONE OF US WOULD HAVE HAD TO WAIT THIS LONG. you short sighted walnut. Goodbye i cant be bothered to listen to your drivel any longer