Indie team, indie budget... AAA price tag

16x less budget of skyrim… also large part of budget funded by the community in advance.

a fraction of the team in size comparison to a triple A team. So less people to pay.

Actually cost me more to buy than skyrim at launch.

Profit margin must be through the roof with such minimal costs to make in comparison to a triple A title.

So what makes them feel it’s ok to charge triple A prices? It can’t be the quality of the game because it’s in a terrible state and the patches aren’t coming quick enough. In fact the patches seem to be focused around things that aren’t even that essential. It seems a hefty price tag to pay for an early access beta. Before people start jumping in saying “this is the modern gaming industry” or “no game is perfect at launch”

This is not the modern gaming industry, im not buying that rubbish. That’s just a cop out for lack of arguement.

No game is perfect at launch I can agree but it’s very rare a game is completely broken at launch and even then it’s fixed within in days. This is getting on for a month now and the mountain of breaking bugs is still getting taller.

Are people really ok with this? Being charged top dollar for a game that cost a fraction of a AAA title to make. The game being in such a state that it’s obvious it should have been an early access beta or a game preview title?

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this doesnt make sense

A small Team can’t fix this within a few days it takes weeks and months
and they will support the Game for years to come
The Price is usual for this kind of Game
Remember they took more than 4 Years for development you have to pay 100 people for 4 years

no one is forced to buy this game

They charge what people are willing to pay. Do you think they would have made more money by charging less?

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Yes, I’m OK with this, because otherwise the game wouldn’t exist, and there is no other game like this in the market. I think that at its core this is a very good game, I’m happy to wait for patches.


100 people for 4 years is what the budget is for… what they charge is to recover the budget and make profit. The budget is 16x smaller than skyrims budget but the price tag was higher.

What did you think budgets were used for lol… the cost to make the game including paying the 100 people is all part of its budget.

That’s fair enough, if your happy with a Dev releasing a broken game whilst you hand over cash that’s your choice. Just know that the more this happens the more games we’re going to see in this mess.

Also they may not be forced to buy the game.

But they weren’t told they were buying an unfinished broken product either.

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so what, and if Daniel is now Millionaire I’m happy for him
although I know he probably isnt

you are not forced to pay this price
you should know that in about 1 year there will be steam sales and the game will probably cost 25€

So what your saying is it’s my fault the game was released unfinished and broken… because I bought it on release like I do many other games?

No, its their fault, they were probably too ambitious
imo they shouldnt have released it on 3 platforms at the same time
for me it works just fine few minor bugs aside, its not like its completely broken
for some people its unfortunately not playable but it will get fixed
its not how it should be but I see that they are working on it

I’m not denying this game has issues, but do you just walk into a game store and blindly buy a game without reading previews / looking at the studio’s past titles (or lack thereof in this case since they are a new studio)?

It’s a matter of opinion this game is worth the triple A price in my eyes and is in a much better state at release the most other triple A games in the same genera as this. Like we forget skyrim was unplayable for 3 months at release fallout 4 took a month before it was playable the list gose on. This is atleast playable ive managed a full play through of the min story with little issue. But again it all comes down to personal opinions.

In my opinion you can’t compare it to a AAA title in this days because it has no lot boxes or the need for paying more cash for a additional save slots. :wink:

No but your guna have to spend another $60 to see it’s ending when they release kingdom come : cashgrab 2

The ending and length of the main story is awful. Witcher 3 managed a begining middle and end with tons of actually interesting side quests.

And personal experiances, some people hit game breaking bugs nearly every quest and can’t stand the game anymore because of it. Opinions would be pretty much the same if everyone had the same experience.

Personally I am willing to cut Warhorse some slack here since they are a small, new studio, putting out a game that wouldn’t exist otherwise. I think quite a few other people might feel like this as well. If this was Bethesda or some other big studio then i wouldn’t feel the same, obviously.

Also regarding you point on the story or “cashgrab2”, the solution is simple - don’t buy the next game.

Compare it to nowerdays AAA titels and Witcher 1 when CD Projekt RED started and the AAA titels at that time to make a fair comparison.

How many pointless topics need to be created rehashing the same subject?

Don’t want it? It’s simple. Don’t buy it. You have freedom of choice just as they have freedom of delivering a product on their terms.

The same amount as people raving about how good the game is… seems only fair that both sides of the argument get aired out equally.